Ordering Information To order your copy of Commander, send your name, company name, full postal address, electronic mail addresses, number of copies you to want, and a cheque to: Golden Micro Solutions P.O. Box 590, Blenheim, NEW ZEALAND Fax: +64 3 578 8227 Internet: allan@goldenms.actrix.gen.nz Compuserve: 100035,552 Prices for Commander are as follows. Please note that prior to the end of October 1993 you can obtain Commander for the special introductory price of (US$75/NZ$99). 30 Oct 93 From 1 Nov 1993 New Zealand customers: NZ$99 NZ$135 (+ G.S.T. and NZ$5 p/p) International customers: US$75 US$99 (+ US$5 post/packing) Please note: Companies with multiple 4th Dimension developers must purchase one copy of Commander for each developer using the software. Special bulk discount rates will be available on application. Sorry, but we will not be able to accept payment by credit card.